Exercise 2: Coding with pizza
1. Reconstruct ancestral states for snout-vent length (SVL) for Phelsuma geckos.
2. Is there a standard correlation between ln(SVL) and ln(jaw) across the species of Phelsuma geckos? Is there an evolutionary correlation? What do you conclude?
3. Day geckos can be classified by island group, as listed below. Use ancestral state reconstructions to investigate the dispersal of geckos across islands.
Species | Island |
abbotti | Seychelles |
astriata | Seychelles |
borbonica | Mauritius |
cepedianaA | Mauritius |
dubia | Madagascar |
guentheri | Mauritius |
guttata | Madagascar |
laticauda | Madagascar |
lineata | Madagascar |
grandis | Madagascar |
mutabilis | Madagascar |
ornata | Mauritius |
quadriocellata | Madagascar |
longinsulae | Seychelles |
standingi | Madagascar |
sunbergi | Seychelles |
barbouri | Madagascar |
guimbeaui | Mauritius |
comorensis | Comoros |
robertmertensi | Comoros |
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